Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne cyst treatment and food allergies cause acne

Naturally none of us want to be bothered by consistent pimples, zits and acne breakouts. Natural acne treatment is one of the best ways to safely and effectively remove acne from the skin. These days, natural or home remedies have won the hearts of many acne patients who are suffering from mild acne scars.
As the name suggests, a blackhead extractor helps the person extract or pull out the blackhead from the skin surface. But take care - while extracting, utmost care should be taken because the lesion may erupt leading to bleeding and pus coming out of it. The act may also push the infection deeper down into the skin and when that happens the tissues may also get affected. Before extracting the blackhead, it is a good idea to boil some water and moisten the affected portion of the skin. This will also sanitize the area.
- Garlic is Healing - Garlic is known as a super food because of all the great uses it has and it's healing power. You can apply crushed garlic to your face and then leave it on overnight. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to treat your acne problem effectively.
tags: acne treatment products with salicylic acid, best over the counter acne scar treatment, best acne treatment in 5 days

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