Monday, August 4, 2008

Easy ways to help fight acne and acne scar remedies

Hands off. Picking at pimples and pustules is not only a disgusting habit, but also results in the formation of scar tissue and increases the incidence of acne. So keep your hands off any pimples that do develop. Do not pick or pop zits. I know it takes some effort but leave them alone and they will dry and fade away naturally. Fingering them will only aggravate the problem.
Acne is a skin disease that can affect the face, the chest, the back, and other upper body parts of any individual. Many people suffer from acne, but most individuals who have acne are adolescents or teenagers. This is mainly caused by a reaction from the hormonal changes that adolescents experience during puberty.
Excess of dead skin cells are the major cause of clogging the pores of your skin that lead to blackheads. This is why you should exfoliate to get rid of the dead cells that form on your skin.
tags: atlanta area acne scar removal, do over the counter acne medicaation work, clearsil ultra acne clearing gel wash

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