Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne during pregnancy proactiv and acne and cod liver oil capsules

Acne is a type of infection so the most simple acne solution is to keep it clean to help prevent further spread and skin damage. Wash your face with baby soap and water, rinse thoroughly and pat dry. Never prick and scratch at your pimples using your hands or any other device to avoid permanent scarring. They should reduce in size and disappear after a few days.
Prescription: Doctor and/or Dermatologist, prescribes an ointment or specialist cream
You can kind of see from this how if the excess oil were not one of the contributing factors to your acne problem, these treatments would all be useless. Not only that, but the damage caused to the skin as a side effect of their use could be a contributing factor to acne too. This is why many people have begun trying out natural remedies that deal with contributing factors to acne without causing any additional problems.
tags: acne during period, using glow moisturizer with acne product, acne topicals during pregnancy

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