Monday, August 4, 2008

Sudden cystic acne and china acne soap

There are many true acne causes. People from all walks of life and all ages can develop acne, and causes can be different for each type of breakout. If you have acne, the first step is to understand why you have it and what you can do to take care of it. You also need to know what your skin type is, because this will affect how you take care of it. For example, if you have oily skin, your facial cleanser should be water-based, because you need to get rid of excess oil instead of add to it.
Dandelion - stimulates liver and digestive function and promotes bile flow. The liver is the major organ in the body that helps get rid of toxins and excess hormones, including those that are related to acne breakouts. Dandelion root is anti-inflammatory and may help get rid of skin bacteria associated with acne.
However, while important, showers are often not enough all by themselves. Wearing clean clothes and sleeping on clean sheets and pillows can go a long way toward acne prevention. Loose clothes are good also because tight clothes can cause sweat to accumulate quickly. Comfortable cotton clothes are recommended.
tags: how can you tell if your acne is bad, herbs for cystic acne, how to treat acne by home remedies

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